stages of group development

group development stage.

 The five stage model of group development.
the five stage model of group development  is explained as under:

1. The forming stage

forming stage is the first stage in the group development process.Forming stage means the formation stage of the group.

• forming stage is the stage which passes through much uncertainty.

• under this stage  the group members feel uncertainty as the group's objective and proposes the structure and design of the group and also as to its leadership.

• at this stage of formation of the group  members remain concerned with exploring friendship and task structure and also determine meaning what type of behaviour is acceptable to the  group.

• the farming State gets completed when members consider themselves as a part of group.

2. The Storming stage

• the second stage in the development of group is characterized as conflict among group members.

• Though in this stage members accept the existence of group yet this agreement arises
in the issues relating to task structure and procedures behavioural expectations rule assignments leadership controlling and lastly power allocations.

• at this stage the main issues before the  are to search for resolution of the disagreement and conflict and generate an environment of belongingness so as to reach to the next stage.

3. The Norming stage

• The third stage in the development of group characterized by close relationship among group members sense of group identity group cohesiveness and camaraderie.

• at this stage due to close relationship and group cohesiveness members from new standard rules and expected level of behaviour for the group.

• when new group standard rules and expected level of behaviour etc. are identified the participation and involvement of group members becomes high.

4. The performing stage

• The  fourth stage in the development of group is characterized by a fully functional group.

• at this stage group energy moves from work group to teamwork getting to know to task accomplishment  and production to productivity.

• the forming stage in the middle and last stage in the  development of group when the work groups are permanent.


5. The adjourning stage

• The first and the last stage  in the development of group is characterized by disbanding of group activities in case the groups are temporary in character.

•  Adjourning is the last stage in the case of groups like temporary, committees task forces and other similar temporary groups which are set up for performing specific tasks.

•  when the task assigned to the group are completed the group prepare for its disbandment.

•  the effects and response of members towards disbandment vary in this stage some members feel sad and depressed at the loss of friendship and camaraderie on the other hand some members feel happy for fulfillment of group's task performance.

stages of group development stages of group development Reviewed by A Learner on July 14, 2019 Rating: 5

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