Self learning involves learning studying without direct supervision attendance in a classroom environment.
• self learning is process in which students take the initiative to diagnose their learning needs formulate learning goals identify resources for learning select and implement learning strategies.
• self learning allows each student to tackle problems based on their own capabilities.
• the benefit of self learning is that you can explore different ways of thinking and you can go through difficult concept on your own without help.self learning helps students develop the confidence they need to tackle challenging problems and obstacle in the future.
Four theory of learning
1. Classical conditioning
2. Operant Conditioning
3. Cognitive theory
4. Social learning theory
classical conditioning
• The most well known experiment on classical conditioning where conduct by the Russian Pioneer classical behaviorist who won the Nobel prize for his experiments on the subject.
• Pavlov conducted his famous classical conditioning experiment using dogs as subjects.
• During the experiment pavlov presented the dog with a piece of meat pavlov observed that the dog exhibited a noticeable increased in salivate.
• Just after that weblog withheld representation of meat and merely rang a bell.He observed that this time the dog did not salivate.
• The next step initiated by pavlov was to link the meat and the ringing of bell.The dog after repeatedly hearing the bell before getting the meat begin to salivate.
• after while pavlov rang the bell only without presenting the meat and he observed that the dog salivated to the bill alone even no meat was offered to the dog.
• Thus the dog head become classically conditioned to salivate ( conditioned response) to the sound of the bell (conditioned stimulus).
Operant Conditioning
• B.F. Skinner a Harvard psychologist is said to be one of the fathers of operant conditioning. what Ivan pavlov tried to establish in his theory of classical conditioning B.F. skinner did for operant conditioning.
• operant conditioning is concerned with learning that occurs as a consequence e e of behaviour. operant conditioning focuses that behaviour is function of its consequences.
• operant behaviour means voluntary or learned behaviour according to operant conditioning behaviour is likely to be repeated where the consequences are favourable and on the contrary behaviour is not likely to be repeated where the consequences are favourable.
• does the consequences of a given behaviour would determine whether the same behaviour is like to be repeated in the future or not.
• the essence of operant conditioning is that the behaviour which results in in positive rewards tends to be repeated because of rain for cement strengthens and increases the likelihood it will be repeated and on the other hand the behaviour with negative consequences tends not to be repeated.
• the tendency to repeat behaviour has direct influence of reinforcement or lack of reinforcement brought about by the the consequences of the behaviour.
• Roman organisational point of view firstly people will engage them self in desired behaviour in they are positively reinforced for doing that it and rewards are most effective in the case.
secondly in the case behaviour that is not rewarded or is punished is less likely to be repeated.
Cognitive theory of learning
• the theory of cognitive learning is based upon experiments conducted by Edward C.Tolman, who is widely recognised as pioneering cognitive theorist.
• tolman used white rats in his famous psychological experiments where he found that rats could learn to run through a complicated maze which direction and propose towards there goals achievement
• during the experiments tolman observed that rats developed expectation at very choice point in the maze.
• tolman further observed that the rats learned to expect that certain cognitive cues related to the choice point could ultimately lead to food.
• hair learning took place when the relationship between the cues and the expectancy was strengthened as the cues led to the achievement of expected goals.
• from an organisational point of view the essence of cognition is the act of knowing an information and the knowledge gathered from information affect the behaviour of the concerned person so that the the information provides cognitive cues towards the achievement it of expected goals.
• according to this theory the learner forms cognitive structure in memory which preserves as well as organizes information about different events which take place in a learning situations.
• the organisational people would learn to be a more enthusiastic and productive by building a relationship between following orders and direction from the superiors and expectancy of financial and other rewards for their efforts.
Social learning theory
• the social learning theory also called observational learning stress upon the ability of an individual to learn by observing what happens to other people and just by being told about something.
• one can learn things by observing models parents teachers peers motion picture TV artist bosses and others many pattern of behaviour are learned by watching the behaviours of others and observing its consequences for them.
• In this theory it is said that the influence of models is the central issue.
• four process have been found to determine the influence that a model will have an individual this processor are:
> Attention process
> Retention process
> Motor reproduction process
>Reinforcement process
• at last we can say that social learning theory is a function of consequences it's also acknowledge the existence of observational learning and the importance of perception in learning.
• In this case a person who wants to learn should identify the target behaviour and select the appropriate model and modelling medium then he she should create a favourable learning environment and observe the model.
Transformative learning theory
• transformative learning theory was developed by jack mezirow in the late 1900s.
• transformative learning theory postulates that the process of perspective transformation has three e dimension psychological change in understanding off the self convictional revision of belief systems and behavioral changes in lifestyles.
• transformative learning is the expansion of consciousness through the transformation upbasic worldview and specific capacities of the sself.
• transformative learning is facilitated through consciously directed processes such as appreciating accessing and receiving the symbolic content of the unconscious and critically analysis underlying premises.
• self learning allows each student to tackle problems based on their own capabilities.
• the benefit of self learning is that you can explore different ways of thinking and you can go through difficult concept on your own without help.self learning helps students develop the confidence they need to tackle challenging problems and obstacle in the future.
Four theory of learning
1. Classical conditioning
2. Operant Conditioning
3. Cognitive theory
4. Social learning theory
classical conditioning
• The most well known experiment on classical conditioning where conduct by the Russian Pioneer classical behaviorist who won the Nobel prize for his experiments on the subject.
• Pavlov conducted his famous classical conditioning experiment using dogs as subjects.
• During the experiment pavlov presented the dog with a piece of meat pavlov observed that the dog exhibited a noticeable increased in salivate.
• Just after that weblog withheld representation of meat and merely rang a bell.He observed that this time the dog did not salivate.
• The next step initiated by pavlov was to link the meat and the ringing of bell.The dog after repeatedly hearing the bell before getting the meat begin to salivate.
• after while pavlov rang the bell only without presenting the meat and he observed that the dog salivated to the bill alone even no meat was offered to the dog.
• Thus the dog head become classically conditioned to salivate ( conditioned response) to the sound of the bell (conditioned stimulus).
Operant Conditioning
• B.F. Skinner a Harvard psychologist is said to be one of the fathers of operant conditioning. what Ivan pavlov tried to establish in his theory of classical conditioning B.F. skinner did for operant conditioning.
• operant conditioning is concerned with learning that occurs as a consequence e e of behaviour. operant conditioning focuses that behaviour is function of its consequences.
• operant behaviour means voluntary or learned behaviour according to operant conditioning behaviour is likely to be repeated where the consequences are favourable and on the contrary behaviour is not likely to be repeated where the consequences are favourable.
• does the consequences of a given behaviour would determine whether the same behaviour is like to be repeated in the future or not.
• the essence of operant conditioning is that the behaviour which results in in positive rewards tends to be repeated because of rain for cement strengthens and increases the likelihood it will be repeated and on the other hand the behaviour with negative consequences tends not to be repeated.
• the tendency to repeat behaviour has direct influence of reinforcement or lack of reinforcement brought about by the the consequences of the behaviour.
• Roman organisational point of view firstly people will engage them self in desired behaviour in they are positively reinforced for doing that it and rewards are most effective in the case.
secondly in the case behaviour that is not rewarded or is punished is less likely to be repeated.
Cognitive theory of learning
• the theory of cognitive learning is based upon experiments conducted by Edward C.Tolman, who is widely recognised as pioneering cognitive theorist.
• tolman used white rats in his famous psychological experiments where he found that rats could learn to run through a complicated maze which direction and propose towards there goals achievement
• during the experiments tolman observed that rats developed expectation at very choice point in the maze.
• tolman further observed that the rats learned to expect that certain cognitive cues related to the choice point could ultimately lead to food.
• hair learning took place when the relationship between the cues and the expectancy was strengthened as the cues led to the achievement of expected goals.
• from an organisational point of view the essence of cognition is the act of knowing an information and the knowledge gathered from information affect the behaviour of the concerned person so that the the information provides cognitive cues towards the achievement it of expected goals.
• according to this theory the learner forms cognitive structure in memory which preserves as well as organizes information about different events which take place in a learning situations.
• the organisational people would learn to be a more enthusiastic and productive by building a relationship between following orders and direction from the superiors and expectancy of financial and other rewards for their efforts.
Social learning theory
• the social learning theory also called observational learning stress upon the ability of an individual to learn by observing what happens to other people and just by being told about something.
• one can learn things by observing models parents teachers peers motion picture TV artist bosses and others many pattern of behaviour are learned by watching the behaviours of others and observing its consequences for them.
• In this theory it is said that the influence of models is the central issue.
• four process have been found to determine the influence that a model will have an individual this processor are:
> Attention process
> Retention process
> Motor reproduction process
>Reinforcement process
• at last we can say that social learning theory is a function of consequences it's also acknowledge the existence of observational learning and the importance of perception in learning.
• In this case a person who wants to learn should identify the target behaviour and select the appropriate model and modelling medium then he she should create a favourable learning environment and observe the model.
Transformative learning theory
• transformative learning theory was developed by jack mezirow in the late 1900s.
• transformative learning theory postulates that the process of perspective transformation has three e dimension psychological change in understanding off the self convictional revision of belief systems and behavioral changes in lifestyles.
• transformative learning is the expansion of consciousness through the transformation upbasic worldview and specific capacities of the sself.
• transformative learning is facilitated through consciously directed processes such as appreciating accessing and receiving the symbolic content of the unconscious and critically analysis underlying premises.
What is self learning
Reviewed by A Learner
June 11, 2019
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