What is report? Type of reports? Format of report writing?

what is report

report writing  is a logical coherent structuring of information ideas and concepts. It is a presentation and summation of fact collected collated and or derived. planning for a report is as important as the process of writing itself.A properly planned report give all information in logical sequence this helps in decision making in report planning the following steps are generally followed:

• problem and the purpose
  the purpose as to why the port is a required and which was the problem which prompted to prepare the report is required to be examined. the reply to this two questions will indicate the type of report in an informational report the writer would stress factors contributing to collection of information. however in an analytical report the writer would need to prepare a problem statement the analysis of which becomes that thrust area of the reporter.

• Outlining issues
 in an analytical report all issues pertaining to the problem need to be highlighted in the initial stage.none of the alternatives or variable should be ignored once the issues has been finalized in mythology for elimination of variables should be prepared there after the variables could be deleted.

• preparation of work plan
 the word plan starts with chaptersation. the number and title of chapters would determine the work content for each chapter up break up of such work content will indicate the extent a field work required to be  carried out. this will further so if primary data and or  secondary data will be needed the type of analysis required will also be determined after chaptersation.

• conducting research analysis and interpretation
 research is systematic study of problem conducting research include collection and collection of primary and secondary data the source of such a data are required to be identified there after arrangements are to be made for collection of such data the collected data are now analysed using statistical tools based on analysis of data and objective and unbiased interpretation is is made depending upon the problem and purpose of the report the sample size of collection of data is required to be estimated.

• conclusion
  after interpretation of data certain conclusion is required to be drawn depending upon findings of the report the conclusion could be right or flexible.

• Recommendation
  after the conclusion their writers should make a recommendation the recommendation should have a social and legal sanction and should be based on findings of the report.

Type of reports

there are two type of reports as below:
• informational
• analytical

The structures and components of both type of report are mostly similar generally the following three components are common to both type of report:

• introduction
• text
• terminal section

The analytical report in addition will have component like conclusion and recommendation.

Informational report

as the name suggests the type of report contains information as for instance report on growth of automobile sector in India report on inventory holding of company are informational report the important component of such report should include the following in a particular

• Introduction
• Tmportance
• Task
• Methodology
• category
• observations
• sources

Analytical report

this type of report demands collection and collation of data analysis of data and findings conclusion the analysis should be done around the problem research report this in an example of analytical report the principal constituent of such report are as follows:

• introduction
• hypothesis/ problem
• methodology
• description of the item/ subject
• data collection and data presentation
• data analysis
• observations
• conclusion
• recommendations
• bibliography/ source

now a days an executive summary of report is prepared for ease attention of busy executives.

Format of report writing

• Title section

• Summary

• Introduction

• Body

• Conclusion

• Recommendation

• Appendices
What is report? Type of reports? Format of report writing? What is report? Type of reports? Format of report writing? Reviewed by A Learner on June 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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