Formal communication
refers to a comuncacommun, which passes through predefined channels. It also known as official communication
communication Network
an organisation consists of large number of people of different trades and skill and from different geographical regions having different culture working together towards a common goal.they are required to interact with each other and also with person who do not work in the company. thus busubusi communication network can be e broadly classified under the following categories.
interaction between the member of the same organisation is referred to as internal communication internal communication may be formal or informal. large organisation with huge manpower spread over entire globe will find it difficult to have direct interaction with all the employees. management is therefore require to maintain formal internal communication formal communication is the officially approved system for flow of communication amongst various employees in different level in the organisation.HD system of communication is official it regulate the flow of organisational communication so as to make it orderly this ensure that the message information floors accurately smoothly and in time this is generally carried out through monthly newsletters annual event report to communicate essential message to all employees and conferences. informal communication is prevalent in small organisation employing around 20/30 person normally with same premises.internal communication can be transmitted through following three direction.
vertical communication
upward and downward flow of message constitutes vertical communication here the information is transmitted from the top management to the sub ordinate employees working in the organisation or vice versa in the multi unit multi location organisation employ large number of person appropriate formal internal communication is a necessity to avoid distortion of the original message during its travel from the highest management to the lowest employees. Distortion of original message can be avoided when the information is a not allowed to be fragmented during its travel and the number of person passing the message is kept minimum again distribution can be avoided if either electronic media or emails is used as transmission media vertical internal communication maybe upward or downward in case of downward communication the message is passed from the boss to his subordinates in case of downward communication the subordinate sends information to his boss.
interaction between the member of the same organisation is referred to as internal communication internal communication may be formal or informal. large organisation with huge manpower spread over entire globe will find it difficult to have direct interaction with all the employees. management is therefore require to maintain formal internal communication formal communication is the officially approved system for flow of communication amongst various employees in different level in the organisation.HD system of communication is official it regulate the flow of organisational communication so as to make it orderly this ensure that the message information floors accurately smoothly and in time this is generally carried out through monthly newsletters annual event report to communicate essential message to all employees and conferences. informal communication is prevalent in small organisation employing around 20/30 person normally with same premises.internal communication can be transmitted through following three direction.
vertical communication
upward and downward flow of message constitutes vertical communication here the information is transmitted from the top management to the sub ordinate employees working in the organisation or vice versa in the multi unit multi location organisation employ large number of person appropriate formal internal communication is a necessity to avoid distortion of the original message during its travel from the highest management to the lowest employees. Distortion of original message can be avoided when the information is a not allowed to be fragmented during its travel and the number of person passing the message is kept minimum again distribution can be avoided if either electronic media or emails is used as transmission media vertical internal communication maybe upward or downward in case of downward communication the message is passed from the boss to his subordinates in case of downward communication the subordinate sends information to his boss.
Horizontal communication
this referred to interaction with peers or colleages. it worked like gangplank in the organisation this type of communication is healthy in an organisation as it avoids the large route for travelling of information horizontal communication increases speed of work and avoids possible distribution of message horizontal communication improves interpersonal relationship in an organisation this increase productivity.
Diagonal communication
in an organisation communication can also travel diagonally in this type of communication there is no Direct path chalked out for information to travel it could at certain stage take an upward path then a lateral direction and finally moved downward or it could even skip certain stage.
it help in building relationship and binding ties between the superior and the subordinate this also helps to remove the fear of status and position in this channel of communication there is no hierarchical binding and communication flows irrespective of position and status this channel good however give rise to gossip grapevine and promise control of flow of information in this channel is difficult and the manager might feel threatened that their controlling authorities under is advised that only experienced measured manager should open such a communication channel for accelerating the travel of information.
External communication
ab business organisation will be required to communicate with external agencies also to maintain its business the external agencies might be individual group of individuals companies Government and general messes.external communication of a company is inductive of image of the organisation external communication made take a large number of forms as below:
• advertisement
• media interaction
• public relations
• presentations
• negotiations
• mails
• telegrams
• telex
• fax
• letter
external communications like advertisement media interaction and public relation for mainly within the domain of corporate communication external communication might be or written.
external business communications start with campaigning and advertisements for target customers for marketing of companies product service.this can be done through advertisement in print media advertisement in electronic media direct telephone calls and a direct mailing of companies brochures/leaflets. thereafter communication should continue in terms of interacting with customers issuing of offers negotiation with customers recipt of an order execution of the order collection of receivables and offering after sales services this so that as communication precedes with customers all skill needed to maintain improve corporate image have to be brought to the fore to avoid possible embarrassment/lapse in performance
formal communication is a system which is designed by management to channelise the flow of communication along formal organised structure which refers to to official communication which follows the chain of command example manuals report orders etc .
Formal communication and types of communication
Reviewed by A Learner
June 14, 2019
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