Perception process. and 2 perceptual errors

There are some factors which affect the correctness of perception and thus perceptual distortion or perceptual error occurs. perceptual distortion error is a position where the the person does not receive the thing particularly person as it may be the factors behind such receiving are:

• Hallo effect:
> the halo effect is social perception refers to the tendency of judging and individual entirely on the basis of single treat like intelligence sociability or appearance etc which may be favourable or unfavourable.

> example in the process of selection of employees a candidate physical appearance mein over ID or other characteristics while appraising the candidate performance.

• stereotyping:
> stereotyping as an important area of social perception refers to judging someone on the basis of ones perception of the group to which that person belongs.

> industry typing people are categorised into groups according to server criteria like age race  and occupation. it is inferred that all people within in a particular group passes the same traits.

> example common stereotyped group include doctors professors engineers artists minorities women functional and staff specialists contents sales executive and computer programmer etc.
Perception process. and 2 perceptual errors Perception process. and 2 perceptual errors Reviewed by A Learner on July 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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