Reinforcement ? and Association and learning process in organisational behaviour

what is reinforcement.
reinforcement  is a fundamental condition in the process of learning. reinforcement it is a process by which certain types of behaviour are strengthened.

reinforcement plays a significant role in learning because of behavioural response is a conditioned by reinforcement.
•   A reinforcer acts as stimuli that cause certain behaviour to be repeated or inhibited.
•   all organisation big or small are interested that all their employees behave in a manner which is desirable by the organisation on the contrary organisations are also interested in eliminating behaviour of the employees that are undesirable.
•   consequently organisations introduce certain reinforcers so that organisations can maintain or increases the probability of such behaviour as to quality performance high-level of attendance and punctuality and so on.
•   the presence of reinforcement it increases the learning in the sense that when a behaviour in a rainforced a person tends to repeat the same response he was emitting at the time of award. over a period of time the person may learn to associate the organisational response with the reward.
•   as a result  acts as behaviour modifiers.
•   the rule importance of significance of reinforcement in the learning process has been specified by Thorndike as follows: observable responses made to the same situations those which are accompanied or closely followed by satisfaction ( reinforcement) will be more likely to occur those which are accompanied are closely followed by discomfort (negative reinforcement /punishment) will be less likely to occur.

The significance of association reinforcement  and observation in the learning process is analysed as under:

• learning a conditioned response involves building up an association between a conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus.
• the association between a condition stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus could be explained by the experiments on classical conditioning conduct by Ivan pavlov.
• during the experiment pavlov presented a piece of meat the dog  exhabitat a noticeable increases in salivation. just after that their love withheld the presentation of meet and nearly rang  a bell. this time the dog did not salivate.
• after a while pavlov rang the bell only without presenting the meat and the dog salivated to the bell along even no meet was offered to the dog
• this experiment describes the behaviour of the dog salivating in association after ringing the bell alone.
Reinforcement ? and Association and learning process in organisational behaviour Reinforcement ? and Association and learning process  in organisational behaviour Reviewed by A Learner on July 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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