Types of personality? different categories of personality in organisation

Different categories of personality types in organisation are mentioned as under:

1. Type A personality/behaviour
• type A and type B behaviour profiles are one of the dimensions of personality these two behaviour profiles are getting attention from the medical as was as organisational researches.
• Type A refers to those people who may be characterized as under:

> their impatient  restless
> they are aggressively involved a incessant struggled to to achieve more and more in a less and less time irrespective of whether everything is done or not
> the attempt serval think to ones
> they do not complete one task before attempting to another
> the do not have any time to relax and enjoy life and
> delete two problems with health and heart related disease.

2. Type B personality

type B personality or behaviour may be characterized as under:
> they are easy going and sociable.
> the put in extra effort to meet a deadline but do not feel pressurised.
> the feel no need to display their achievements unless demanded by the situations.
> they play for fun and relaxation instead of exhibiting their  superiority at any cost.
> they can relax without guilt
> did you not feel any pressing conflict with people or time and as a result they are not prone to stress and heart disease.

3. introvert personalities
introvert personality is may be characterized as under:
> they are basically I prefer to be alone and quiet and have a difficulty in communicating.
> they are emotionally and expressive value-oriented intellectual well or dead and prefer small groups of intimate friends.

4. extrovert personality
the extrovert personality is may be characterized as under:
> they are sociable individuals
> they are outgoing aggressive and relate well with people
> they are lively impulsive and emotionally expressive
> they are more suitable for positions requiring considerable interactions with others.

5. judging personalities
the judging personality may be characterized as under:
> Dil like to follow-up plan want essential things needed for their work and take decisions.
> they do not search for new things decide things very quickly and get things settled and
> Deepika I'm satisfied when they reached  judgement.

6. perceptive personality
the perceptive personality may be characterized as under:
> they are adaptive to changing situations and environment
> the accommodate too many projects in hand at a time and face difficulty in accomplishing them
>there are curious to know all about a job and at time we get our committed.

Types of personality? different categories of personality in organisation Types of personality? different categories of personality in organisation Reviewed by A Learner on July 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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