what are values? how are values classified.

What is value

 Value is each individual or culture has certain underlying values  that contribute to their values system see values in semiotics. values are subjective and may vary across people and cultures.

• personal values: the personal values   involve from experience with the external world and can change over time integrity e in the application of value refers to its continuity; persons have integrity ITI apply date values appropriately regardless of argument of negative reinforcement  from other.

• cultural values : group societies are cultures have values that are largely shared by its member members share a culture event if each member a personal values do not enter only agree with some normative values sanctioned in the culture.

different categories of values

values may be grouped into categories which are discussed in below:

1 healthy values and habits.

• sensual and

• operational values

 sensual values are individual values and r functional or dysfunctionnal 12 individuals emotional survival they are sensitive or initiative depending upon and individuals emotional maturity operational values are individual values and are functional or dysfunctionnalto and individuals physical survival healthy values and habit are acquired through personal satisfaction practice and personal experience.


2 moral values and norms.

• social and

• religious traditional values

 social values are family group  and values are functional or dysfunctional to the survival of the family/ group.
 religious /traditional values are interpersonal values and are functional or dysfunctional to impersonal survival out side the family/group. there tolerant or intolerant depending upon the religion's/ tradition maturity.

3 ethical values and behaviour.
• economic and
• politics values
 economic values are national values and are functional or dysfunctional to the survival of the nation.
 political values are national  and  values are functional or dysfunctional to National survival.

 4. Historical values and conduct
 • Aesthetic and
 • theoretical values
  Aesthetic value are human values that are functional or dysfunctional to human survival. They I beautiful or ugly depending upon human artistic development theoretical values are human values that are true or false reposeful for irrelevant  to human survival depending upon the human scientific development.
  • Historical values are acquired through inspiration cognition and creative experience.whatandhowlearn.blogspot.com

all the above values are based on subconscious feelings and conditioning.

what are values? how are values classified. what are values? how are values classified. Reviewed by A Learner on June 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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