what is motivation

The word motivation is derived from the word motive. According to Berelson and steiner motive is an inner state of our mind that energizes activates or moves and directs or channels or behaviour towards goals.

• The motivation of person depends on strength of his motives. motives are the way of human behaviour. motives arouse and maintain activity and determine the direction of the behaviour of an individual towards cherished goals.

Motivation is something with a human being that prompts him to action .it is goal directed and it is itself invisible.

• Psychologist define motivation as that arouses human behaviour sustains human behaviour and channels human behaviour towards a specific ocurse or direction.

• Thus motivation may be defined as a process of stumulating human being to action to accomplish desired goals.
what is motivation what is motivation Reviewed by A Learner on June 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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