8 effective communication skills

Effective business communication is pre request for progress in a rapidly changing psycho economic environment requirement for effective communication could be broadly classified as follows:

•  shortness: the message should be brief and should be in a simple sentence for easy of understanding high sounding words should  be avoided.

•  simplicity: simplicity in usage of words and ideas reveals clarity in thinking process it creates good impression on the speakers/sender.

•  credibility: the speaker/sender should have credibility this is a not achieved in one day. it is a long drawn process which builds trust in the mind of receivers strength of message emanates from credibility of the speaker/sender.

•  courtesy: in business world everything start with courtesy and in which courtesy much could be achieved if the message contains appreciation of the receiver courtesy in message improves relationships.

•  clarity: this makes comprehension easier clarity in the mind of the receiver helps the generate simply easy to understand message such a simple clarified message when transmitted can be easily understood by the receivers.

•  characterless: this builds confidence in correct message will lead to loss of credibility.

•  consistency: the message should be transmitted in logical sequence for keeping consistency this gives stability in the communication.

•  consciousness: the message to be transmitted should be brief to the point and in the language liked by the target audience this will save time.
8 effective communication skills 8  effective communication skills Reviewed by A Learner on June 17, 2019 Rating: 5

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