what is mental barrier

Anything that prevents understanding of the message is a barrier to communication many physical and  psychological barrier exist. the psychological barrier are indicated below.


• Culture background and bias: we allow our past experience to change the meaning of the message our culture background and bias can be good as  they allow us to our past experience to understand something new it is a when they change the meaning of the message then they interfere with the the communication process.
• Noise: equipment for environmental noise impedes clear communication.the sender and the receiver must both be able to concentrate on the message being sent to each other noise maybe physical noise for psychological noise physical noise is that sound which emanates from surrounding and hampers that listening process psychological noise plugs either the sender or the receiver it result in crowding mind with  unwelcome thoughtwhich become of more relevance then the infusing communication to either of the participants some of the common forms of noise are mental turbulence preoccupation, some some of the common forms of noise of mental turbulence anxiety tiredness pre conceived idea etc these are mostly involuntary and no cause can be attributed to them.
• our sleeves: focusing on ourselves rather than the other person can lead to confusion and conflict the me generation who is out when it come to effective  communication some of the factors that cause this are defensiveness we feel someone is attacking us superiority we know more than the other and ego we feel we are the centre of the activity.
• perception: if we feel the person is talking too fast not  fluently ee does not articulate clearly etc. we may dismiss the person also our preconceived attitudes affect our ability to listen we listen uncritically two person of high status and dismiss those of low status.
• message: distraction happen when we focus on the facts rather than the idea of our educational institution reinforce this with test and questions semantic distraction occur when a word is used differently than you prefer for example the world chairman in state of chairperson main cause you to focus on the word and not that massage.
badly expressed message is a communication barrier this is happened with the centre is not versed with the topic being discussed. such noise code b eliminated if the sender forms a concrete Idea and prepares well structured message.
• Environmental: bright lights and attractive person and usual sites or any other stimulus provides the potential destruction.
• smoothering: we take it for granted that the impulse to to send a useful information is automatic not true  often we believe that certain information has no value to other or dare already aware of the facts.
• stress: people do not see things the same way when under stress power psychological frames of reference power believes values knowledge experience and goals influence what we see and believe at given moment.
what is mental barrier what is mental barrier Reviewed by A Learner on June 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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