Aesthetic value - Macau University

Aesthetic value:
perception and enjoyment of beauty simplicity and clarity.
Aesthetic value of a man is exhibited bhai his appreciation and admiration of goodness of human values admiration of beauty of flowers in garden beauty of birds singing on trees beauty of water fall beauty of ecosystem and beauty of a child society consist of demand and supply and market utilise the aesthetic beauty on various product to create higher demand and high value to bring prosperity to humanity.

Perception correlate coordinates integrates and compromises diverse sensation and signal from various organs of the body by mean of which a man identifies thing and objects and express the joy of beauty simplicity and clarity on the other hand it has also been observed that people who lack aesthetic sense normally have a cruel attitude rough behaviour and often takes recourse to unsocial, unethical and inhuman behaviour profile.

A group study of value system by various authors and research fellows among the India engineers and managers have revealed that professional value system exist in six types or clauses.

1) Aesthetic

2) economic
3) theoretic
4) social
5) political and
6) religious which have been found to have a sequence like.

According to India tradition and values and object of beauty is a joy forever as it attracts brings pleasure in mind and imparts happiness in fact cultivation of aesthetics values is essential for enjoying a good life.

Aesthetic consideration has now become so important in art music dance and practical aspects engineering design the first and second Hooghly bridge near Kolkata product development the design of BMW or Ferrari car the bathroom design the conch shaped cistern  and lotus shaped water- closet industrial design Disneyland entrance town planning Kualalumpur and interior decoration of various shopping mall and shopper Stop etc.

In in the FMCG market the incorporation of colour and design in biscuit packaging , packaging of tea aesthetic design of of containers bottling packaging of good products jute bag designs readymade garments design etc.

It has been observed that a work placed design aesthetically has got higher productivity.

So Aesthetic value  taste and temperament are very  desirable for a good society.
Aesthetic value - Macau University Aesthetic value - Macau University Reviewed by A Learner on July 10, 2019 Rating: 5

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