Ethics and values

The Indian values and ethics have the standing of being the first code in the whole world as the entire world was almost in darkness at a time when the learned sages and the monks of India set out the social values and ethics.

these were immensely demonstrated in the the mythological and religious scriptures and writings in the Vedas Vedant Ramayan, Mahabharat, The Gita and the Chandi. it is a true that India devoted most of its thoughts of life's philosophy , human society plain living and high thinking rather than material and economic development.

The storey of Ramayan and the Mahabharata inculcated the values; the good over evil are unique in the world the values and social ethics spread later through far and near country north south east asia ceylon  and as for as Indonesia and  Philippines. this is exhibited event today in the name of human being in these countries and the names of temples chachu river mountains and hills names of the place etc. tough at a later date Islam has spread in some of these countries it is surprising that the old Hindu and Buddhist names still persist in this countries.

The basic principles of Indian philosophy value and ethics were mainly based on virtues over vice, good over evil and construction over destruction.The conquest of Sri Lanka y rams force the conversion of the notorious dacoit ratnakar to the  wisest sage Valmiki and the victory of pandavas over the Kauravas are instances on India values and ethics event today forgiveness is considered to be a great virtue over retaliation and revenge. the life and preaching of Mahatma Gandhi and Sri Ramkrishna and Vivekananda all have stressed upon kindness compassion sympathy of human beings over the poor and have knots . Mahatma has coined new terms of values and ethics like none violence over violence and vengeance which has been considerate and accepted as a great weapon  in solving international political and social problems Though the 2 world war years and subsequent ethnic wash and skirmishes have taken place in recent years.

it is true that in recent year economic equality amongst neighbouring groups class countries I have become so prominent that the old values and ethics have been thrown to the dust by the latest social menace like terrorism and explosion in different parts of the world including India.

one can only pray and expect that some day the whole world will come back to sense and good will prevail over avail virtue over vices
Ethics and values Ethics and values Reviewed by A Learner on July 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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