what is NGO?

non-governmental organisation or NGO is a legally constituted organisation created by natural or legal persons that operates independently from any government the term originated from the United Nations UN and is normally used to refer to organisation that do not from  and  part of government and are not  conventional for -profit business.

In jaggesh in which NGO is are founded totally or particularly by governments the NGO maintains its non-governmental status by excluding government representativ es from  membership in the organisation. the term is usually applied only to organisation that pursue some wider social aim that has poly technical aspect but that  are not overtly political organisation such as political parties. unlike the turn inter mental organisation the term non governmental organisation has no generally agreed legal definition in many  jurisdiction this type of organisation are called civil society organisations are referred to by other names.

NGOs  vary Indian methods. some act primarily as lovish while other primary conduct programs and activities for instance and NGO such as Oxfam concerned with poverty alleviation might provide needy people with the equipment and skills to find food and clean drinking water whereas an NGO like the FFDA helps through investigation and documentation of human rights violations and provide legal assistance to victims of human rights abuse others such as Afghanistan information management service provide specialised technical products and service to support development activities implemented on the group by other organisation.

 Public relation
 non governmental organisations need healthy relationship with the public to meet their goals foundation and charities use sophisticated public relations champing to rise funds  and employee standard lubing techniques which governments interest groups may be of political importance because of their ability to influence social and political outcomes a code of ethics was established in 2002 by the world association of non governmental NGOs.

project management
there is an increasing awareness that management techniques are  crucial how to project success in non governmental organisations generally non governmental organisations that are private have either a community or environmental focus the address varieties of issues such as religion emergency aid  thy often have strong links with community groups in developing countries and they often  work in areas where government to government aid is not possible NGOs are accepted as a part of the international relation landscape and while they influence National and multilateral  policy making increasing Lee there are more directly involved in local action.

popular explosion
India has the world's second largest population 1200 million today the first being China having a population of 14 million it is unlikely that unless this growth of population is checked India mein overtake China by 2150.
population of any country including India goes on increasing at a very fast rate because of

• women fertility
• land plantation and small animals fertility
• optimum temperature for child birth and growth
• lack of effort to control family size
• unawareness about countries population
• availability of enough food
• availability of medicines
• birth rate for exceeding death rate
• none occurrence of natural or National disasters
• lack of war battle fight skirmishes etc .

In addition migration of people from outside countries to India because of good health good food peaceful life it is sea has also increased the population of India thus from  meager population of about 350 million people before independence in 1947 Indian population has attend a formidable figure of over 1200 million in 2008. as it is this planet cannot sustain the present population of 6500 million with its limited none renewable resources and India also is on the verge of collapse which is used population explosion.

what is NGO? what is NGO? Reviewed by A Learner on July 10, 2019 Rating: 5

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